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Did not pay much attention to duo duo yang tingzhou was killed in his residence and the person who discovered his murder was the housekeeper of yang s residence at this moment the housekeeper was trembling and frightened at.
The same time there was also some heartache the deep love between master and servant was vividly displayed by him the female relatives in the mansion were crying loudly some children big and small hadn t understood what it.
Meant that yang tingzhou was lying there and they were about to be brought by their aunts to kneel and cry in the yard zhu jingyan brought duoduo into the mansion and guang qingan and zhang qian surrounded the entire da.
Yang found yang tingzhou dead the injury is on the top of the head duoduo raised his head and looked at the roof just in time to see light leaking from the roof and the sun pouring down the man was murdered the wound on his.
Preliminary autopsy cang chen stayed to continue the investigation while zhu jingyan and duoduo took yang tingzhou s body back to dali temple during the period the wife of the yang family wanted to keep yang tingzhou s.
Duoduo s face he seemed to have guessed something my lord duoduo chi yuan is gone sure enough uncle wang said many results that duoduo had already guessed zhu jingyan god slightly surprised he lowered his head to look at.
Duoduo but saw that duoduo s expression remained the same if he had to say there was a slight change it would be that his face had turned cold was it expected that chi yuan would leave he wondered what happened between the.
Left duoduo still stood there with a cold look on his face zhu jingyan sighed softly remembering that cang chen had told him before that an outsider had come into dali temple at that time they thought it was the queen s.
Why are you still angry here zhu jingyan bent over and picked up duoduo hugged him in his arms and asked patiently in a low voice duoduo curled his lips wrapped his small hands around zhu jingyan s neck buried his face in.
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